 wmcalc/.wmcalc     | 35 -----------------------------------
 wmcalc/.wmcalc.bk  | 35 -----------------------------------
 wmcalc/.wmcalc.bkp | 35 -----------------------------------
 3 files changed, 105 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 wmcalc/.wmcalc
 delete mode 100644 wmcalc/.wmcalc.bk
 delete mode 100644 wmcalc/.wmcalc.bkp

diff --git a/wmcalc/.wmcalc b/wmcalc/.wmcalc
deleted file mode 100644
index 234fa12..0000000
--- a/wmcalc/.wmcalc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# wmcalc Configuration File
-# Last Manual Update: 10/29/00
-# General Notes:
-# * There must be a tab character '\t' between the variable name and
-#   the value, not a series of spaces.
-# * wmcalc is case sensitive when reading these variables.  Examine the
-#   wmcalc_g.h file for currently defined variables.
-#Calculator Memory Locations
-#Note: These must all exist, though they may be in any order
-Mem0   0.000000
-Mem1   0.000000
-MEM2   2.718282
-MEM3   3.141593
-Mem4   0.000000
-Mem5   0.000000
-Mem6   0.000000
-Mem7   0.000000
-Mem8   0.000000
-Mem9   0.000000
-# The CalcStart variable is intended to allow the user to start a larger
-# calculator for more complicated needs.  Everything after the tab '\t'
-# character is sent unmodified in a system() call, so anything you can type
-# at the command prompt may be put here.
-#CalcStart     xterm -T "Basic Calculator" -e bc &
-#CalcStart     xterm -T "gnuplot" -sb -sl 500 -e gnuplot &
-CalcStart      xcalc &
-# The ImagChar variable allows the user to choose between 'i' and 'j' to
-# represent the sqrt(-1).  (Electrical Engineers (such as myself) use 'j'
-# rather than 'i.')
-#ImagChar      i
-ImagChar       j
diff --git a/wmcalc/.wmcalc.bk b/wmcalc/.wmcalc.bk
deleted file mode 100644
index f7a3759..0000000
--- a/wmcalc/.wmcalc.bk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# wmcalc Configuration File
-# Last Manual Update: 10/29/00
-# General Notes:
-# * There must be a tab character '\t' between the variable name and
-#   the value, not a series of spaces.
-# * wmcalc is case sensitive when reading these variables.  Examine the
-#   wmcalc_g.h file for currently defined variables.
-#Calculator Memory Locations
-#Note: These must all exist, though they may be in any order
-Mem0   0.000000
-Mem1   0.000000
-MEM2   2.718282
-MEM3   3.1415926535
-Mem4   0.000000
-Mem5   0.000000
-Mem6   0.000000
-Mem7   0.000000
-Mem8   0.000000
-Mem9   0.000000
-# The CalcStart variable is intended to allow the user to start a larger
-# calculator for more complicated needs.  Everything after the tab '\t'
-# character is sent unmodified in a system() call, so anything you can type
-# at the command prompt may be put here.
-#CalcStart     xterm -T "Basic Calculator" -e bc &
-#CalcStart     xterm -T "gnuplot" -sb -sl 500 -e gnuplot &
-CalcStart      xcalc &
-# The ImagChar variable allows the user to choose between 'i' and 'j' to
-# represent the sqrt(-1).  (Electrical Engineers (such as myself) use 'j'
-# rather than 'i.')
-#ImagChar      i
-ImagChar       j
diff --git a/wmcalc/.wmcalc.bkp b/wmcalc/.wmcalc.bkp
deleted file mode 100644
index f7a3759..0000000
--- a/wmcalc/.wmcalc.bkp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# wmcalc Configuration File
-# Last Manual Update: 10/29/00
-# General Notes:
-# * There must be a tab character '\t' between the variable name and
-#   the value, not a series of spaces.
-# * wmcalc is case sensitive when reading these variables.  Examine the
-#   wmcalc_g.h file for currently defined variables.
-#Calculator Memory Locations
-#Note: These must all exist, though they may be in any order
-Mem0   0.000000
-Mem1   0.000000
-MEM2   2.718282
-MEM3   3.1415926535
-Mem4   0.000000
-Mem5   0.000000
-Mem6   0.000000
-Mem7   0.000000
-Mem8   0.000000
-Mem9   0.000000
-# The CalcStart variable is intended to allow the user to start a larger
-# calculator for more complicated needs.  Everything after the tab '\t'
-# character is sent unmodified in a system() call, so anything you can type
-# at the command prompt may be put here.
-#CalcStart     xterm -T "Basic Calculator" -e bc &
-#CalcStart     xterm -T "gnuplot" -sb -sl 500 -e gnuplot &
-CalcStart      xcalc &
-# The ImagChar variable allows the user to choose between 'i' and 'j' to
-# represent the sqrt(-1).  (Electrical Engineers (such as myself) use 'j'
-# rather than 'i.')
-#ImagChar      i
-ImagChar       j

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