Josip DeanovicOn Monday 2015-06-22 23:34:15  wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I was playing with the workspace border feature and noticed that it
> might be useful but it is rather limiting as one can only chose
> left+right, top+bottom or all borders.
> It allows people to have an area which will not be covered by maximized
> windows (unless they are set to full screen maximization) but it allows
> only LeftRight and TopBottom combination While I would like to be able
> to set it to Right only.
> After playing a bit with it I have created a patch which would allow a
> user to set the WorkspaceBorder option to eight additional values:
> Left, Right, Top, Bottom, TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft and BottomRight.
> I didn't modify WPrefs code. It is short with space but I think that
> a menu with all the available values might do it.
> Here is the patch:

I have just noticed that "default:" and "return;" lines near the end of
the patch should be removed. Sorry about that.

Josip Deanovic

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