2014-04-18 12:29 GMT+02:00 Paul Seelig <psee...@rumbero.org>:
> On 04/18/2014 12:22 PM, Csányi Pál wrote:
>> Can I take screenshot of my Workspace so so I get a balloon tex on a
>> miniwindow too?
> Use scrot instead, works for me as i just verified. Since you are using
> Debian:
> $ dpkg -s scrot

I have installed now scrot and can use it successfully to take screenshot of
a balloon tex on a miniwindow too by using the command:

scrot 'AsztalKepe.jpg' -d 2 -e 'mv $f ~/Kepek/KepernyoLovesek/' &&
convert ~/Kepek/KepernyoLovesek/AsztalKepe.jpg -resize x960

The '-d 2' option is that that allow me to move the mouse pointer over
a miniwindow to get the balloon text over it.

Regards from Pal

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