
a...@zencoding.org wrote:
Messages are still being read, yep :-).

that's positive.
Not sure if anyone is running NetBSD here though. I think I have a NetBSD VM around, but I'm moving this weekend and the computer it's on is in a big box right now. I'll try to see how I can reproduce this some time next week-ish, but I'm likely going to be stuck without Internet for a week or two. Sadly, wManageWindow is about 600 lines so I can't offer any useful inference as to what borks.
If I build a full debug version (-O0 -ggdb) windowamker runs, thus there is some bad code. Since I am running "release" in a package, I needed the help of the netbsd guys on how to build a package with various options.

I will try to narrow it down further, compiling with higher optimization again but retain debug symobols, so we can narrow it own even further.

Usually something optimization dependent shows either a compiler bug (but with plain C code on x86-32 bit rather unlikely) or some buffer overflow or so.


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