
on Arch linux I'm running WindowMaker version: 0.95.6.

I have setup with WPrefs ( which still can't start from say xterm with
command: WPrefs but only if I add full path to it:
/usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications/WPrefs.app/WPrefs ) some key-bindings.

Some of them works, but some of them doesn't work, moreover freeze in
some way WindowMaker.

I edit the menu and add some applications in to it:

1. xterm
It can be started with key bindings: Mod4+X and it works.

2. xterm -e mc
It start MidnightCommander with key bindings: Mod4+M and it works.

3. import ~/Kepek/KepernyoLovesek/TeruletKepe.png
It take a screenshot from a region with key bindings: Mod4+L and it works.

4. scrot 'AsztalKepe.%Y.%m.%d_%H:%M:%S.png' -e 'mv $f ~/Kepek/KepernyoLovesek/'
It take a screenshot from the entire screen with key bindings:
Control+Sys_Req and it doesn't work, moreover it doesn't work even if
I start it from the menu, and after I started it I can't to start any
application by clicking on that applications icon.

The key 'Sys_Req' is the 'Print Screen' key but WPrefs get it as 'Sys_Req'. Why?

What can cause these problems?

Regards from Pal

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