On Thu, 5 Feb 2015, Cs?nyi P?l wrote:

I'm running WindowMaker since very long time.

The WPrefs these days, months are not in PATH so one can't to run it
from the default menu.

Is Window Maker still in development?
If yes, how can it be that that this bug is still here?

I'm running WindowMaker 0.95.5 on Gentoo Linux, and on my system, WPrefs is in /usr/bin, so you should be able to launch it anywhere.

I believe WindowMaker is still being developed. Not that long ago, it got an initial try at RandR support for multiple monitors, which is somewhat buggy on my machine. (It can handle the addition of a new display that wasn't there before, but going back to one monitor while logged in on the desktop screws it up.) Oh well, it will probably get worked out. It had no support for RandR at all before, so there is definitely recent development going on.

I've never gotten an answer on this list before though.

+ Brent A. Busby         + "We've all heard that a million monkeys
+ Sr. UNIX Systems Admin +  banging on a million typewriters will
+ University of Chicago  +  eventually reproduce the entire works of
+ James Franck Institute +  Shakespeare.  Now, thanks to the Internet,
+ Materials Research Ctr +  we know this is not true." -Robert Wilensky

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