On 09/11/2015 11:44 AM, Csányi Pál wrote:
I'm trying to set up default browser in my WindowMaker environment.

I'm trying this with command:
$ xdg-mime default
/usr/share/applications/chromium-browser-chromium.desktop text/html

but this doesn't work. Must I relogin and start wmaker again to get
this setup working? Or must I run this command as root?

The default browser application was emacs.desktop and links appeares
every time to open an url here. I can't uninstall links because of

I want to set chromium browser as a default application for text/html mime type.
How can I do that in WindowMaker environment?

Window Maker doesn't set a default browser. If you click on a link in one application, the browser that is opened is determined by that application. Many of them use the xdg default, but not all of them.

On my system, for example, I had to customize Thunderbird and Emacs separately to use Chrome instead of Firefox, even though it was already the xdg default.

For customizing the browser used by Emacs, see [1].

None of this is related to Window Maker directly.

[1] http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/BrowseUrl

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