Following I
created the file ~/.wmii-3.5/rc.wmii.local with the following:

fn Action-overridekeys {
    fn next_tag {
        awk -v curtag'='`{wmiir read /tag/sel/ctl | sed 1q} '
                NR==1 {first = $0}
                $0==curtag { if(getline) print $0; else print first; exit }'
    fn Key-$MODKEY-n {
            wmiir xwrite /ctl view `{ read_tags | next_tag}
    fn Key-$MODKEY-b {
            wmiir xwrite /ctl view `{ read_tags | tail -r | next_tag}

and gave it perms 755. However, after running this action, the keys
still do nothing. I also tried the action wmiirc without success. What
else should I do?

Thank you

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