
I use a personalized rc.wmii.local file with success since 2-3 months
but today I meet an issue with the date :

* My statusbar in rc.wmii.local: *

# Display Wifi ESSID & Quality, CPU Preset, Temperature, Battery
Capacity and Date
fn status {
        echo -n \
                'Cpu:' `{cpufreq-info -f | sed 's/000//;'} 'MHz' '|' \
                'Temp:' `{cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature | grep
'temperature' | sed 's/.*://;'} '|' \
                'Bat:' `{cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state | grep remaining | 
's/.*://;' | sed 's/mAh*//;'} '/' `{cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/info |
grep 'design capacity:' | sed 's/.*://;'} '|' \
                'Wifi:' `{iwconfig wlan0 | grep 'ESSID:' | sed 's/.*://;'} 
wlan0 | grep Quality | sed 's/.*y=//;' | sed 's/.100.*//;'} '% |' \
                `{date +"%a %d/%m %k:%M"}

* The issue : *

I live in France and we have 2 times (winter - CET and Summer - CEST).
The status doesn't display correctly CEST time (take a look at the
picture linked here : http://depot.julienpecqueur.com/wmii_date.png).

Wmii display "???" instead of "CEST".

I try to format the date to display only the timestamp : "date +"%a
%d/%m %k:%M"" but wmii still display : "Sun Mar 29 20:01:36 ??? 2009"

Anybody have an idea ?

Julien Pecqueur


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