
Suraj Kurapati <sun...@gmail.com>:
> In the mean time, you can:
> wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/56611/rumai-3.0.0.gem
> gem install ./rumai-3.0.0.gem

I've installed rumai-3.0.0 but i can't use yaml config: wmii starts
with an xterm and this error message in a xmessage window and in

I, [2009-05-12T12:52:14.257436 #26663]  INFO -- : birth
E, [2009-05-12T12:52:14.601795 #26663] ERROR -- : "bad command" in
response to #<Rumai::IXP::Twrite:0x7fcbab769d18
@fields=[#<Rumai::IXP::Struct::Field:0x7fcbab804980 @counter=nil,
@countee=nil, @name=:tag, @format=2>,
#<Rumai::IXP::Struct::Field:0x7fcbab7f1628 @counter=nil, @countee=nil,
@name=:fid, @format=4>,
#<Rumai::IXP::Struct::Integer8Field:0x7fcbab7f0e30 @counter=nil,
@countee=nil, @name=:offset, @format=8>,
#<Rumai::IXP::Struct::Field:0x7fcbab7f0660 @counter=nil,
@counter=#<Rumai::IXP::Struct::Field:0x7fcbab7f0660 ...>,
@countee=nil, @name=:data, @format=nil>, @name=:count, @format=4>,
@counter=#<Rumai::IXP::Struct::Field:0x7fcbab7f0660 @counter=nil,
@countee=#<Rumai::IXP::Struct::Field:0x7fcbab7efe90 ...>,
@name=:count, @format=4>, @countee=nil, @name=:data, @format=nil>],
@values={:tag=>0, :count=>166, :fid=>2, :data=>"bar on bottom\ncolmode
default\nnormcolors #c0c0c0 #0a0a0a #202020\ngrabmod Mod1\nborder
1\nfont -*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*\nfocuscolors #ffffff
#285577 #4c7899", :offset=>0}> (Rumai::IXP::Error)
/home/st/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/rumai-3.0.0/lib/rumai/fs.rb:110:in `write'
/home/st/.wmii-3.5/config.rb:259:in `load_config'
I, [2009-05-12T12:52:25.320404 #26663]  INFO -- : death

I use wmii 3.6+debian-5 on testing
$ gem list -l

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

configuration (0.0.5)
inochi (1.0.0)
launchy (0.3.3)
librmpd (0.1.1)
rake (0.8.6)
rumai (3.0.0)
trollop (1.13)

Thank you for rumai. Before the config.yaml release, I was using
rumai-2.0.0 with the config.rb tag of your wmiirc which don't work
with rumai-3.0.0.


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