Now at 9940 and freefalling. As Peter Boyle would say, Holy crap.

-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Oct 6, 2008 10:16 AM
>To: WNNDL <>
>Subject: [BREAKING] Dow dips below 10000
>...for the first time since 2004.  We are currently down 319 points or 3
>percent to 10006.
>AIM/Gmail Chat: damonbeau :: :: Wealth without work.  Pleasure without
>conscience.  Science without humanity.  Knowledge without character.
>Politics without principle. Commerce without morality. Worship without
>sacrifice. --Gandhi's seven deadly social sins :: :: "Let freedom ring from
>the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania...." --King :: :: "Any time you
>have the opportunity to accomplish something and you don't, you are wasting
>your time on this earth." --Roberto Clemente

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