I agree that NPR fell into a trap. I think the whole thing was a set- up between JW and Fox to get him out of his K with NPR and make NPR look bad. I think that in JW's appearances on Fox within the near future, he was going to gradually push the envelope further and further out until NPR had no choice but to fire him. Unfortunately, NPR took the bait too soon and over too mild an expression of opinion. NPR bowed too soon to the influence of the liberal blogosphere.

On Oct 22, 2010, at 12:13 PM, danny burstein wrote:


I'm not only disppointed with NPR, which fell into a trap
every bit as big as the Obama folk did with the Shirley
Sherrod case - or that the Israelis did with that "flotilla",
but even someone who'd I'd have thought knew better...
got kind of onboard.

Rachel "best political anchor on television" Maddow, in
her broadcast yesterday, emphasized that this was in no
way, shape, or form, a "freedom of speech" issue as
the first Amendment applies to gov't.

True enough, but with NPR getting a small (five percent?)
of its funding from tax money, it ain't so obvious.

NPR and its gal blew it. badly. And is giving the RWEC
all teh ammo it needs this week.

Kind of like how Mark Furman helped the OJ defense.

Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key
[to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]

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