Supposedly, after the shakeup, the compromise was
Ken would handle the regular programs, and Mayim
would do the specials - i.e. championships,
celebrity, etc.

But then... the Strike.  And, the story went, she wasn't
going to give the appearance of crossing picket lines
(even though Jeopardy! wasn't directly affected).

However... she's still not showing up.

Oh, the promo's for the show (at least on Detroit's
channel, namely WDIV, which is... an NBC affiliate
unlike most of the rest which are ABC [a]) include a
still photo/image with both Ken and Mayim.

Anyone see any verified updates?


[a] Detroit also broadcasts Wheel at 7, and
then Jeopardy! at 7:30, meaning I have to be
careful about online spoilers...

Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key
[to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]

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