On Mon, 29 Apr 2024, 'Doug Elrod' via World News Now Discussion List wrote:

Today, Andrew said that the reason he always took the stairs (thereby improving his health considerably, according to a new study: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/04/29/1247532191/longevity-stairs-climbing-exercise-heart-disease), is that he's been stuck on the elevator more than once!  In response, Rhiannon admitted that she's *never* gotten stuck on the elevator, which apparently dooms her to some sort of elevator-related malfunction in the not-too-distant future (sorry about that!).

Uh oh.  Brings to mind the elevator scene in one of my
favorite movies (which had a dual theatre and also tv
release, so gets both credits..), "Paper Man", 1971 [a].

Yes, with Tina Chen, Stefanie Powers, and some others.

There's a scene where one of the students
is trapped in an elevator stuck between
floors, and he decides to force the doors open
and, well, gets halfway out...


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