siapa tahu ada yang tertarik. maaf kalau ganda.

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From: Arie Setyaningrum Pamungkas <>
To: sosiologi budaya <>; kunci CS 
Sent: Tue, February 23, 2010 2:36:20 PM
Subject: [kunci-l] ESA Research Network Sociology of Culture, Midterm 
conference ASK Research Center Università Bocconi, Milan, Italy

Dear all,

Sekedar berbagi info..semoga bermanfaat terutama yg sedang studi.
Best, t


ESA Research Network Sociology of Culture, Midterm conference
ASK Research Center
Università Bocconi, Milan, Italy

Call for Papers
October 7‐9, 2010
“Culture and the Making of Worlds”

The conference aims to explore the role of culture–the symbolic context in 
which choices and actions acquire shared meanings ‐as a medium for building 
“worlds.” Cultures are analyzed in terms of their capacity to help shape the 
pasts and futures of contemporary societies. They are both ends and means in 
the society‐building process. They establish the terms of engaging injustice, 
articulating multicultural and multireligional issues, and providing new paths 
for conflict resolution and peace. They frame our very experience of space and 
the place in everyday life, as well as individual and collective identities. 
They provide material for new products, new markets, and new ways of life.
This aim of the conference necessitates an interplay among cultural, economic, 
political and
social analyses. Therefore, the conference will be characterized by an emphasis 
interdisciplinarity , to include contributions from economics, political and 
science, anthropology, and cultural studies, as well as sociology per se.
The conference will be attended by scholars from all over Europe and the United 

The papers will be evaluated through a blind review by the scientific committee 
of the conference.

The conference will be comprised of the following sessions:

How culture matters
Contemporary societies are characterized by a high degree of complexity, due to 
factors, such as the information and communication overload, the extensive 
migration of
people among different countries, the impact of technologies on the 
organization of everyday life and social interactions, the possibility of rapid 
travel across the world. For each citizen the probability of getting in touch 
with “cultural otherness” has become much greater than before.

However the “otherness” might be not only a resource, but also a threat. The 
“stranger”, as
Alfred Schutz pointed out, can be the vehicle of innovations and creativity, 
but also the
“natural” source of conflicts. In order to face “otherness” in our complex 
everyday life we need a cultural frame of analysis. We need to respect the 
autonomy and uniqueness of each culture in itself. Cultures are reluctant to be 
domesticated, they need to be interpreted. In this context the study of culture 
becomes an important resource for conflict resolution, for articulating issues 
of justice and human rights, for shaping state‐building processes, for driving 
social and economic development, for understanding controversies raised by 
multireligiosity. Cultures shape the public knowledge of the past, and the 
public expectations for the future. They shape individual and collective 
identities. They affect the impact of innovations and social change in 
communities and institutions, they construct the social meanings of 
technologies. On the other hand, they create also new “boundaries”, new forms 
of social exclusion and marginality. Cultures
 are active, and in their active nature they are always ambivalent and 
‐ 1) Globalization
‐ 2) Culture, peace and conflict resolution
‐ 3) Culture and public memory
‐ 4) Culture, justice and human rights
‐ 5) Culture and state‐building processes
‐ 6) Multiculturalism and multireligiosity
‐ 7) Material Culture and identities
‐ 8) Culture, the quotidien, and axial change
‐ 9) Arts and cultural heritage
‐ 10) Cultural critique /critical cultures
‐ 11) Trading zones of scholarship regarding culture
‐ 12) Cultural boundaries, marginality, and élites
‐ 13) Culture and gender
‐ 14) New products, new markets, and new lifestyles
‐ 15) The cultures of unsustainability
‐ 16) Cultures and discourses within organizations
‐ 17) Culture and power
‐ 18) Culture and development

How the culture system changes
Cultures are not only “means” in the society building processes. They are also 
ends in
themselves. How does the culture system change in contemporary societies? We are
witnessing important transformations due to the increasing impact of new 
technologies, the
increasing role of the media system, which affect the ways in which cultural 
artefacts can be produced and can acquire their own meanings and values. The 
creative process undergoes new patterns of production, recognition, 
distribution and reception. Creative industries acquire a new leading role, 
both in economics and civil society. The culture and arts systems are affected 
by new forms of articulation of public discourse, both in different national 
contexts and in the global arena. In contemporary societies a strong focus on 
images characterized different forms of cultural production and deeply change 
the way in which we are conceiving the world. The sessions related to this 
topic are the following:
‐ (19) Transformations of arts and cultural production systems
‐ (20) New trends in cultural consumption
‐ (21) Fearing the Media
‐ (22) New media and participative culture
‐ (23) Media dynamics : genres, channels , audiences
‐ (24) Conspiracy cultures
‐ (25) Applied arts and community arts
‐ (26) Photos that matter
‐ (27) Arts and fashion
‐ (28) Culture, fashion and beauty
‐ (29) Cultural malaise
‐ (30) Culture and politics
‐ (31) Intellectual property management and cultural industries innovation
‐ (32) The future of communication
‐ (33) Creativity and creative industries
‐ (34) Cultural industries, districts and urban development
‐ (35) Cultural innovations and subcultures
‐ (36) Styles, innovation and design management

Culture, space and time
There is an interplay among culture, space and time. The way in which we make 
experience of the world is culturally and historically determined. Space and 
time are culturally shaped.

Several researches in different countries have documented to what extent the 
definition of
space can differ. The articulation of the space typical of contemporary society 
is the urban
agglomeration, the city. From New York to Tokyo, from Paris to Berlin, from 
Rome to Milan:

these are the forms of the space that “we have in mind” when we think at “our 
Obviously there are many other forms, which do not correspond to the urban 
conception of
space, but they are not hegemonic, especially in the European context. Also the 
time is
conceived very differently across cultures. The linear definition of time, 
which links the past
to the future, and requires to remember controversial pasts in order to avoid 
their coming
back is indeed a specific conception of time, shared by only a part of the 
world population. Thesessions related to this topic are the following:
‐ (37) Spaces and meanings in contemporary urban agglomerations
‐ (38) The city: representing and represented
‐ (39) Urban planning and branding
‐ (40) The aesthetization of space
‐ (41) Time and culture
‐ (42) Cultural heritage and local development
‐ (43) Art, identitỳ, culture in transit: Roma people
(44, 45) Culture at the frontier ‐ PhD. Sessions

Sessions organized in cooperation with the Section
“Processi e Istituzioni Culturali” of the Italian Sociological Association
‐ (46) Social networks and new forms of sociability
‐ (47) Media, public communication and citizenship
‐ (48) Visualising culture: culture, the visual and everyday life

We invite papers that address the topics listed in the sessions. Please, before 
submitting anabstract, visit the website of the conference www.esaculturebocco, where
you can find a detailed description of each session. We invite abstracts of 250 
words by
April 20, 2010. Please include in your abstract information about the 
theoretical framework of the research, the methodology employed, and the 
contribution of the paper. Please indicate to which session the paper is 
submitted. Abstracts should be sent via the submission form on the conference 
website. Acceptance will be communicated by May 28th. Early bird inscriptions 
will be accepted until June 20th. For any other information regarding 
registration, payment of the conference fee, deadlines, accommodation and 
travel, please visit the conference website.

Queries can be made on the conference website. They will be answered by email.
For the website of the research network Sociology of Culture please visit:

http://www.european sociology. org/index. php?option= 

For the website of ASK Research Center please visit: www.ask.unibocconi. it

Looking forward to seeing you all in Milan!
Anna Lisa Tota (t...@uniroma3. it)
Stefano Baia Curioni (stefano.baia@ unibocconi. it)
Further members of the Scientific Committee
Pertti Alasuutari, Tia De Nora, Paola Dubini, Thomas S. Eberle, Dick Houtman, 
Knoblauch, David Inglis, Mark Jacobs, Rudi Laermans, , Zannie Giraud Voss
Organizing Committee
Stefano Baia Curioni, Anna Lisa Tota, Paola Dubini, Ilaria Morganti, Lia 
Luchetti, Patrizia

ttp://www.europeans ociology. org/index. php?option= 


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