    The Learning Kingdom's Cool Word of the Day for April 13, 1999

                   equivocal [adj. ih-KWIV-uh-kul]


An equivocal statement is ambiguous.  It's open to two or more
interpretations, or it's of uncertain significance.  Often, equivocal
statements are intended to mislead.  Political speech is sometimes
criticized for its equivocal expressions, especially during elections.

The word is from Late Latin aequivocus, which was assembled from two
parts: aequi (equal) and vox (voice).  Equivocal speech says two (or
more) things with the same statement.

There are several related words.  To speak equivocally [ih-KWIV-uh-
klee] is to equivocate [ih-KWIV-uh-kayt], and to do so is to engage in
equivocation [ih-KWIV-uh-KAY-shun].  Also, an equivocal word, phrase,
or expression is an equivoque [EK-wuh-voke].

Here are more "equal" words:

equable: unvarying, steady, free from extremes
equator: line dividing a sphere into two equal halves
equilibrium: condition in which opposing forces balance
equinox: time when day and night are of equal duration
equipollent: of equal force, power, or significance

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