    The Learning Kingdom's Cool Word of the Day for July 16, 1999

                             dead ringer


This phrase usually appears with the word "for" as in this example:
"That fellow over there is a dead ringer for my uncle Carl."  It
means there is such a strong resemblance that the two people might
almost be twins.

A ringer was originally a counterfeit gold coin.  One could tell the
fake by dropping it on a hard surface.  If it rang like a bell, it
was fake.

Later, in horse racing, a ringer was a horse of a high class (high
skill) that was secretly substituted for a similar-looking horse in
a lower class race.  The ringer could then be bet on by those who
knew of the substitution.

Today "ringer" is also applied to look-alike people.  But why are
these ringers dead?  That word also appears in the phrases "dead on"
(exactly correct) and "dead center" (exact center), where it adds a
sense of precision and strengthens the whole phrase.  The origin of
this usage is unknown.

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