   The Learning Kingdom's Cool Word of the Day for August 25, 1999

                  bibliotaphy [n. BIB-lee-oh-TAF-ee]


Bibliotaphy is the practice of hoarding or hiding books, and someone
who engages in bibliotaphy is a bibliotaph.

Like many "bookish" words, this one includes the biblio- prefix, from
the Greek biblion (book), which also gave us Bible.  The suffix,
-taphy, is from Greek taphos (tomb), since the books hoarded or
hidden might as well be entombed.

Another word from taphos is cenotaph [n. SEN-uh-taf] (an empty tomb
that commemorates someone who is actually buried elsewhere), with the
prefix ceno- from Greek kenos (empty).

Here are more "bookish" words:

bibliopegy: the art of binding books
bibliopolist: a seller of books, especially rare or used ones
bibliotics: examination of documents for authenticity

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