  The Learning Kingdom's Cool Word of the Day for September 7, 1999

                   proclivity [n. proh-KLIV-uh-tee]


If you have a strong, natural inclination toward something, then you
have a proclivity.  The word often refers to something objectionable.
Example: "Max is a good fellow, in spite of his unfortunate proclivity
for excessive drink."

Proclivity is from Latin pro- (towards) and clivus (slope).  You might
imagine someone drawn forward by their proclivity, as if they are
walking down a steep slope.  There is also declivity (a downward slope)
and acclivity (an upward slope).  We also suggest a new word:
anticlivity (aversion).

Near-synonyms for proclivity include leaning, inclination, penchant,
propensity, predilection, and predisposition.  The first four of these
share with proclivity the idea of leaning toward that which attracts.
Penchant and propensity come from the French word pencher (to incline).
Predilection is from the Latin word diligere (to love), and
predisposition is from the Latin word disponere (to arrange).

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