  The Learning Kingdom's Cool Word of the Day for September 10, 1999

                    peccadillo [n. PEK-uh-DIL-oh]


A peccadillo is a small transgression, a minor offense.  Example: "In
the flush of infatuation, we might overlook the harmless peccadilloes
that later become steady irritants."

In Latin, peccare was to sin, and later the Spanish pecado also
carried the full force of a major transgression.  But a pecadillo, a
small sin, could be forgiven.  In the 1500s, that word entered
English with the sense of youthful foolishness, or perhaps a
forgiveable error in judgment.

>From the same root, we also have impeccable (flawless; incapable of
sin), peccable (prone to sin), peccant (sinful), and peccatophobia
(fear of sinning or of having sinned).

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