  The first thing to address is the sub folders.
You can either use the files.xml or the sub folders or both.
I have each of my packages in a separate xml file in the packages
folder, I had started with them in the single packages.xml in the root
but changed once I got a lot.  I have created a series of host xml files
in the hosts folder which relate to separate groups and units within
those groups.
I just use the profiles.xml in the root only, for no good reason ;-)

You are best looking at the silent installers on the wpkg website and
work from those.  It gets difficult when you are trying to do silent
installer switches on all the different types of packages by nsis or
installshield etc...

There is a constant debate about having a forum on a website or using
the mail threads and the author of wpkg likes the latter so you have to
trawl through quite a lot of messages to find answers.  Also look at for answers on specific software.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joel Levin
Sent: 02 April 2008 19:03
Subject: [wpkg-users] New WPKG user

Can anybody suggest the best place for a new WPKG user to find the best 
introductory support? There seems to be so many variables and options 
that is looks quite confusing. I have been able to make a basic batch 
script successfully run the loading of one application, then 
subsequently,  the upgrading to another version.

There is a real lack of instructional materials available--so I am  
confused on the next step--to attempt to create a script and other 
profiles and packages which will work.

I have been reading many of the list serv threads--however the material 
being discussed in the majority of these discussions is much too 
advanced for me at present.

Another question is that in the initial download of  WPKG there are 
three folders PROFILE, PACKAGES AND HOSTS along with the three 
individual files profiles, packages and hosts. Are the items in the 
folders simply example files? When I am actually running my 
scripts--shold I delete those files? I ask as from reading the debug log

file--WPKG seems to be looking trough those folders as well.

Any help for a very new user--who doesn't have any scripting experience 
would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

J o e l   L e v i n

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