I tested clean Vista instalation joined to domain with WPKG client
(service) run with SYSTEM account, UAC enabled and result are:

In event log there are errors for each package, example:
> Command '"%SOFTWARE%\tools\acroread\AdbeRdr812_cs_CZ.exe" /sAll /rs" was not 
> successful.
> Access is denied

%SOFTWARE% = \\server\apps

So WPKG service with SYSTEM account cannot read packages from network share.

Tomasz Chmielewski napsal(a):
> Vladimír Pšenička schrieb:
>> Hi
>> I have found problem with Vista machines and UAC enabled. When WPKG
>> client starts on Vista machine and start installing some SW a see in
>> event log permission errors (about need to elevate user rights, although
>> user installing SW is member of domain admins group) I have czech
>> Windows so I apologize for mistakes in translation.  Is possible to
>> install SW with WPKG correctly on Vista with UAC enabled?
>> Without UAC everything works fine...
> Does it also happen if you configure WPKG Client to start as a SYSTEM user?
> I don't have Vista, unfortunately. Enyone else using Vista seeing this,
> too?
> Anyway, I'll forward this issue to a WPKG Client developer more familiar
> with Vista...
> Or, if you really have to start the service as a domain administrator,
> you may have more luck asking a Windows-specific newsgroup this question:
> "How can I disable UAC for only one domain Administrator, but leave UAC
> on for each and every other user"?
> Let us know about your findings...

Vladimir Psenicka
IT system engineer
Prodeco a.s.
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