Hello together,

I made a little change in the wpkg.js, and I want to know if anyone thinks 
there is a problem.

I changed on line in the following section.

>// Load packages and profiles.
>       if (isForce()) {
>               dinfo("Skipping current settings. Checking for actually 
> installed packages.");
>               setSettings(createSettings());
>               fillSettingsWithInstalled();
>       } else {
>               // Load or create settings file.
>               if (!fso.fileExists(settings_file)) {
>                       dinfo("Settings file does not exist. Creating a new 
> file.");
>                       setSettings(createSettings());
>               } else {
>                       dinfo("Reading settings file: " + settings_file);
>                       setSettings(createSettingsFromFile(settings_file));
>               }
>       }

I removed the part '&& isArgSet(argv, "/synchronize")' in the if-statement, 
because I want that the
force-option can be used with any other option, not only with the 

Does someone think there is a problem?

Greetings Tobias
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