

you have 3 " so don't you need another one after setup.exe?

Zach Musselman wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using wpkg to install numerous types of software.  Half of which I 
> have been able to install successfully (Firefox, Thunderbird, 7zip, 
> Notepad++, and VLC).  There are a hand full in which I cannot for the 
> life of me get to execute correctly.  I have followed the unattended 
> install codes found on your site (modifying for my path to the package) 
> and get the same error.  When I execute the same exact command on the 
> client pc in command prompt the package installs, however when I run 
> wpkg either by restarting (or by executing cscript \\server\wpkg\wpkg.js 
> /synchronize /debug, it will act like it tries to install OpenOffice 2.4 
> (installer flashes on the screen) but then skips over it and presents 
> "The system cannot find the file specified" for that package and also 
> for Adobe Reader 8 and PDFCreator, all of which can be installed with 
> the msi command inputed directly on the client.  Any help would be 
> greatly appreciated.  Thanks
> Edit::: I have now posted my profiles.xml and my packages.xml files for 
> review.  Thanks
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!-- System profile database.
>       Lists profiles available to the systems. A profile represents a 
> certain
>       selection of packages from the packages database. Profiles can 
> depend on
>       other profiles, the end result being the sum of all required packages.
>       For more info, see
> -->
> <profiles>
>      <profile id="default">
>          <package package-id="Firefox"                />
>          <package package-id="Thunderbird"    />
>          <package package-id="AcrobatReader"  />
>       <package package-id="OOO2.4"            />
>       <package package-id="Vlc"               />
>       <package package-id="NotePad"           />
>          <package package-id="PdfCreator095"     />
>          <package package-id="7zip"           />
>      </profile>
>      <profile id="custom">
>          <depends profile-id="default"                />
>      </profile>
>      <profile id="administration">
>          <depends profile-id="default"                />
>      </profile>
>      <profile id="other">
>          <depends profile-id="default"                />
>      </profile>
> </profiles>
> <packages>
> <package
>      id="7zip"
>      name="7-Zip"
>      revision="457"
>      reboot="false"
>      priority="0">
>      <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="7-Zip 4.57" />
>      <install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\FOSS\7Zip\7z457.exe" /S' />
>      <upgrade cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\Foss\7Zip\7z457.exe" /S' />
>      <remove cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\7-Zip\Uninstall.exe" /S' />
> </package>
> <package
>      id="Firefox"
>      name="Firefox"
>      revision="20014"
>      reboot="false"
>      priority="0">
>      <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Mozilla Firefox 
> (" />
>      <install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\FOSS\Firefox\Firefox-Setup-" 
> -ms' />
>      <upgrade cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\FOSS\Firefox\Firefox-Setup-" 
> -ms' />
>      <remove cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\helper.exe" 
> /S' />
> </package>
> <package
>      id="Thunderbird"
>      name="Thunderbird"      
>      revision="20014"
>      reboot="false"           
>      priority="0">
>      <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Mozilla 
> Thunderbird ("/>
>      <install 
> cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\FOSS\Thunderbird\Thunderbird-Setup-" -ms' />
>      <upgrade 
> cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\FOSS\Thunderbird\Thunderbird-Setup-" -ms' />
>      <remove cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\Mozilla 
> Thunderbird\uninstall\uninstall.exe" /S' />
> </package>
> <package
>      id="NotePad"
>      name="NotePad +"         
>      revision="492"
>      reboot="false"           
>      priority="0">
>      <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Notepad++" />
>      <install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\FOSS\NPP\npp.4.9.2.Installer.exe" /S' />
>      <remove cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\Notepad++\uninstall\uninstall.exe" /S' />
> </package>
> <package
>      id="OOO2.4"
>      name=" 2.4"
>      revision="24"
>      reboot="false"
>      priority="1">
>      <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path=" 2.4" />
>      <install cmd='start /wait msiexec.exe /qn /i 
> "%SOFTWARE%\FOSS\OpenOfficeSuite\2.4\openofficeorg24.msi" ADDLOCAL=ALL 
>      <upgrade cmd='msiexec.exe /qb! /I 
> "%SOFTWARE%\FOSS\OpenOfficeSuite\2.4\openofficeorg24.msi" ALLUSERS=1 
>      <remove cmd='msiexec.exe /qb! /i 
> "{2BB8FBB4-CFF9-434E-AA0A-40F5379C1602}"'/>
> </package>
> <package
>      id="Vlc"
>      name="Video LAN Client"
>      revision="086f"
>      reboot="false"
>      priority="0">
>      <check type="registry" condition="equals" 
> path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\VideoLAN\VLC\Version" value="0.8.6f" />
>      <install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\FOSS\VLC\vlc-0.8.6f-win32.exe" /S' />
>      <install cmd='%CMD% /c del "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop\VLC media 
> player.lnk"' />
>      <remove cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\VideoLAN\VLC\uninstall.exe" /S' />
> </package>
> <package
>      id="PdfCreator095"
>      name="PDFCreator 0.9.5"
>      revision="095"
>      reboot="false"
>      priority="0">
>      <check type="file" condition="versionequalto" 
> path="%PROGRAMFILES%\PDFCreator\PDFCreator.exe" value=""/>
>      <install 
> cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\FOSS\PDFCreator\PDFCreator-0_9_5_setup.exe 
>      <upgrade 
> cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\FOSS\PDFCreator\PDFCreator-0_9_5_setup.exe 
>      <remove  cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\PDFCreator\unins000.exe" 
>   </package>
> <package
>      id="AcrobatReader"
>      name="Adobe Acrobat Reader"
>      revision="812"
>      priority="0"
>      reboot="false">
>      <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="Adobe Reader 8.1.2" />
>      <install cmd='start /wait msiexec.exe /qb! /i 
> "%SOFTWARE%\NONFREE\AdobeReader\AR812\AcroRead.msi" allusers=1'>
>       <exit code="0" reboot="false" />
>       </install>
>      <remove cmd='start /wait msiexec.exe /qb! /i /x 
> "{AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-A81200000003}"' />
>      <upgrade cmd='msiexec /q /i 
> "%SOFTWARE%\NONFREE\AdobeReader\AR812\AcroRead.msi" allusers=1'>
>       <exit code="0" reboot="false" />
>          </upgrade>
> </package>
> <package
>      id="AVG"
>      name="AVG Antivirus"
>      reboot="true"
>      revision="8.0"
>      priority="5">
>      <check type="uninstall" condition="exists" path="AVG 7.5" />
>      <install cmd='"%SOFTWARE%\NONFREE\AVG\avg_ipw_stf_all_8_93a1283.exe 
> /hide /no_welcome /NOAVGTOOOLBAR /REMOVE_FEATURE fea_AVG_SafeSurf 
> /REMOVE_FEATURE fea_AVG_SafeSearch /S' />
>      <remove cmd='"%PROGRAMFILES%\Grisoft\AVG7\setup.exe" '/>
> </package>
> </packages>

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