I agree using the wpkg client service would do this, but I am looking to
have the smallest footprint possible by having everything executed from a
script on the server. From what I've seen in the wpkg client, I've already
been able to implement its features that I'd be using for my situation,
using WSH (things like before and after wpkg processing, running as an
account with higher privileges to allow software
installations/upgrades/removals, etc) or small console utilities run from
the server.

On 6/18/08, Tomasz Chmielewski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> mscdex schrieb:
>> Right now the messages would work when wpkg.js is executed, after the user
>> logs in. This situation is fine by me because I have certain domain groups
>> assigned to at least a certain wpkg base profile (e.g. students, teachers,
>> office staff) and so wpkg would need to be executed after logon. I have the
>> client machine(s) set to not display the desktop shell until the logon
>> scripts have completed and because of that all they see is a wallpaper
>> background while wpkg is running (no sense in giving the user the idea wpkg
>> is finished when it isn't, especially if an auto-reboot is required). I
>> thought during this time if wpkg was performing any tasks, a useful
>> message(s) could be shown so that the they do not assume the system has hung
>> or has crashed.
>> Also, I thought it would be especially nice to have a message displayed if
>> an automatic reboot was needed after installing a new
>> application/upgrade/removal, something like "rebooting in 5 seconds..."
> Wouldn't WPKG Client with logon delay enabled solve your problems,
> including "rebooting in 5 seconds"?
> Note that displaying custom messages is available in testing versions of
> wpkg.js and WPKG Client.
> --
> Tomasz Chmielewski
> http://wpkg.org
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