what are the contents of WSUS.reg?  I can add this to the wiki.

Paul McGrath wrote:
> Bram,
>   as Rainer says it is easier to use a cmd or bat file to do it.  I
> looked up some info about wsus deployment and found something that said
> to use a bat file.  This is my wsus.bat (followed by my wsus wpkg
> package).
> @echo off
> ::
> Echo Save the batch file as "WSUS.bat". This batch file will do the
> following:
> Echo 1.    Stops the Automatic Update Service (wuauserv) service.
> Echo 2.    Imports WUA settings for workstations in workgroup to
> detect/download/install updates from WSUS.
> Echo 3.    Starts the Automatic Update Service (wuauserv) service.
> Echo 4.    Force update detection.
> Echo 5.    More information on http://msmvps.com/Athif
> REM Place both the files (WSUS.reg and WSUS.bat) in same location
> (single folder)
> REM Double-click WSUS.bat to import WSUS.reg which contains Windows
> Update Agent (WUA) settings.
> REM for WUA in a workgroup environment. In this sample, WSUS.reg and
> WSUS.bat
> REM are placed in 'c:\'.
> REM Author:- Mohammed Athif Khaleel :- Date April 30, 2006
> rem Pause
> Net Stop "wuauserv"
> Echo Importing WSUS.reg
> %windir%\Regedit.exe /s \\myserver.com\wpkg\files\wsus\WSUS.reg
> Echo WSUS.reg imported succesfully
> Net Start "wuauserv"
> Echo Forcing update detection
> wuauclt /detectnow
> rem Pause
> <package
>         id="wsus"
>         name="WSUS registration"
>         revision="1"
>         reboot="false"
>         priority="20"
>         execute="once">
>         <install cmd='%SOFTWARE%\wsus\wsus.bat' />
> </package>
> Good luck
> Paul
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bram Bosboom
> Sent: 08 December 2008 11:32
> To: wpkg-users@lists.wpkg.org
> Subject: [wpkg-users] Registry key import
> Howdy,
> I just discovered something where registry imports fail if a variable is
> used (the software variable which works for normal installs for
> example).
> I do see some examples on the wiki where a variable is used to import a
> key so I guess I am missing something here..
> A simple example package I have is where I want to import some WSUS keys
> to deploy on some workstations;
> *snap*
>     <check type="registry" condition="exists"
> path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpda
> te"
> />
>     <install cmd='regedit /s "%SOFTWARE%\wsus\securewsus.reg"' />
> *snap*
> The regfile itself is working OK. And whole package does get run.
> On the debug the command it says the import is done successfully but
> actually it doesn't happen! (Now I know 'regedit /s' always returns a
> 'success' even if the path doesnt excist but I though it would be worth
> mentioning)
> I tried without the quotes under -%SOFTWARE%\wsus\securewsus.reg- which
> shouldn't be necessary but that also fails.
> Now when I do use the full unc path to the registry key location it is
> working fine?? So I assume it has something to do with the variable.
> Now I though their perhaps would be a need of a system variable cause
> WPKG is just starting a command prompt or something so I have set a
> system variable 'software' to the same path. The variable works, but the
> script still fails to import the key.. :[
> Searched the bug on the bug tracker but I could not find anything
> related. Anyone knows what's up?
> I use latest dev release client (1.3.6) and stable server script
> (1.0.2).
> Summary:
> Executing command : regedit /s "%SOFTWARE%\securewsus.reg"
> Command in installation of WSUS Register sleutel set returned exit code
> [0]. Suc
> cess.
> Executing command : regedit /s "\\pathtoregkey\securewsus.reg"
> Command in installation of WSUS Register sleutel set returned exit code
> [0]. Suc
> cess.
> Thanks in advance!
> Regards,
> Bram
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