On 1/5/09, Jason Castonguay <jason.castong...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The thing I'd like to see is to be able to install Steadystate and
> enable Windows Disk Protection, via WPKG. I believe installing is
> possible, but AFAIK there is no easy way to automate WDP.
According to the SteadyState handbook (
if you have the latest version of SteadyState, you can use sctui.exe
(located in "Program Files/Windows SteadyState") to enable/disable WDP as
well as obtain current status info and more via WMI.

>From the handbook:
--Command-line Parameters--

Disables and uninstalls Windows Disk Protection. This process requires
three restarts to:
1. Clear the cache.
2. Commit changes made to the computer that remove the Windows
Disk Protection driver.
3. Finish uninstalling Windows Disk Protection.

sctui /DisableWDPAndReboot

Installs and enables Windows Disk Protection. A console window opens
to show status messages during installation. If installation was
successful, the system is automatically restarted to complete enabling
Windows Disk Protection.

sctui /EnableWDPAndReboot
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