Chris Wilcox schrieb:
> I can't recall if I asked this before, but it would be highly useful if 
> I could choose to display the WPKG interface until the package 
> install(s) was complete rather than specify a login delay

Set it to a very long value then.

> For a number of schools I support, it would prevent users being able to 
> cancel or stop any installations by closing the cscript window (on XP 
> anyhow, Vista is not an issue per-se as the same screen does not show), 

Just don't enable the feature (WPKG user interface -> show; disabled by 
default), nothing will be shown, even on XP, no one will be able to 
close cscript window.

> and ensure that package installs of new software are completed before 
> the user tries to run any software that might have dependencies on the 
> currently installing program(s).
> I know you could set the login delay to a huge number, but with the 
> newer beta feature of a password-protected cancellation option in case 
> there is a problem, having WPKG show the interface and hold the login 
> process until complete would be very useful.

This feature (password-protected cancel of a logon delay window) only 
works if administrator is around.

Tomasz Chmielewski
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