Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
> Frank Thommen schrieb:
>> [...]
> There are two components here:
> - WPKG Client - it starts wpkg.js
> - WPKG (wpkg.js) - it installs programs etc.
> Both have independent logging.
> Logging for WPKG (wpkg.js) is specified in config.xml file.

OK. My misconception was, that the settings from the WPKG client GUI in 
fact *were* settings for wpkg.js.

However: In config.xml I've now set

    <param name='debug' value='true' />
    <param name='logfilePattern' value='wpkg-[HOSTNAME]-[YYY].log' />

while not changing the other (default) values.  (Re)starting the WPKG 
service does not yield any logging or a new logfile in %TEMP%.

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