beadlej wrote:
WPKG is giving me the error. I have also been using Open XML Editor to edit
the .xml files and it will also show me the errors. I will explain step by
step what happens.

I open a command prompt and go to my mapped drive to the server that has the
WPKG files.

I then type "wpkg.js /synchronize"

It then opens up a window that says,

Error parsing xml 'Z:\packages.xml': Required white space was missing.
File   Z:\packages.xml
Line  56
Linepos 36
Filepos 2408
srcText  <install cmd="%COMSPEC% /c mkdir "%AllUsersProfile%\Start

NOTE: the srcText is different then the line in the packages.xml. That one

<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /c mkdir "%AllUsersProfile%\Start
Menu\Programs\CCleaner"' />
Note that the single quotations are replaces with double quotes and the end
part of " />" is replaced with "></install>"  I don't know if that has
anything to do with the error.

if you need to include double quotes in the command line for file names with 
spaces or braces included, you need to enclose the command line by single 
quotes to avoid the parsing error.
I think, you could have added a back-slash just before the enclosed quotes, but 
I have not tested this.

So cmd='..."..."..."..."...' works, may be cmd="...\"...\"..." works too.


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