re the post: WPKG Server 1.1.0 breaks packages working in 1.0.4

I have experienced this error also. I have done some investigation,
this command fails when it used to work in 1.0.4:

<install cmd='"%software%\WinMerge\WinMerge
v2.12.2\WinMerge-2.12.2-Setup.inf" /VERYSILENT /NORESTART' />

however if you take the spaces out of the path names and remove the
inner quotes it works here is the working command (notice the
underscore in the path)

<install cmd='%software%\WinMerge\WinMerge_v2.12.2\WinMerge-2.12.2-Setup.exe

also here is another way of making it work if you want to keep the
spaces you haver to escape the quotes

<install cmd='cmd /c """"%software%\WinMerge\WinMerge
v2.12.2\WinMerge-2.12.2-Setup.inf""" /VERYSILENT /NORESTART"' />

Is there some way of tweaking the source code so we can keep this the
same as 1.0.4, id rather not remove all spaces in the path or escape
all the quotes.

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