On 7/2/09, Andreas Heinlein <aheinl...@gmx.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> can you give a short summary of the differences between wpkgExpress and
> wpkgWeb, and if wpkgWeb databases can be used/converted?
> Thank you,
> Andreas

I can't give a very in-depth comparison since I have never actually used
WPKG Web before, I've merely played with the online public installation a
few times for awhile. One major difference is that wpkgExpress is actively
maintained, and thus contains the latest features evident in the latest
stable version of WPKG. Since I'm the developer of wpkgExpress, I'm biased,
but in my opinion wpkgExpress offers a more clean (less cluttered and more
straight-forward) layout and a better organization of the internal code due
to the use of the CakePHP MVC framework. wpkgExpress also utilizes jQuery
for quickly carrying out simple requests like deleting, re-ordering (i.e.
for hosts index page or package checks and actions), sorting, and paging.

About the only thing wpkgExpress currently lacks that WPKG Web has is
"download" tag support. I will add in support for this in a future version
of wpkgExpress. The decision to leave it out was made early on because I had
simultaneously been working on a more sophisticated "download" tag (that
utilized PHP in my implementation) that allowed for pluggable modules for
different types of downloads (i.e. straight-up download like WPKG has now,
except md5sums are compared to check/guess if the newly downloaded file is
"newer" than the existing one; downloads from filehippo (ability to check
version/date); downloads from download.com (ability to check version/date);
etc). Each module has its own set of required and/or optional parameters,
with some parameters being shared among all download modules. I wasn't sure
if there was any interest in expanding the existing wpkg "download" tag to
have this kind of functionality (using a JScript implementation of course),
but I currently have a working "proof of concept" somewhere that simply
reads in a packages.xml and acts (appropriate version/date checks and other
actions vary upon module) on any existing download tags with the
"new"/different/custom parameters.
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