> I have updated the wpkgCreateReport so that it can check for
> comlpliance
> against the wpkg database when passing the paramter -createStateColumn
> at the command line. Then an additional row called "State" is created
> which can have the values "install", "remove", "upgrade",
> "downgrade" or "ok".
> Additionally the row is highlighted when compliance check
> fails for that package.
> You can find it at:
> http://www.gig-mbh.de/edv/software/wpkgtools/wpkg-create-report-english.htm
> I did not verify every combination possible so if you find a situation
> where compliance check fails feel free to post an example so that I can take
> a look at.
> What currently does not work is if you assign profiles based on ip
> addresses as this information is not part of the wpkg.xml file.
> Suggestions are welcome.


Do you plan for a simple HTML table?
Excel is nice, but you need an additional application, a simple HTML page is 
easy to display.

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