Hi Malte,

Malte Starostik wrote:
> In such cases I usually put the file in the same directory as the installer, 
> i.e. somewhere in %SOFTWARE%.  Then, the first (source) argument to the copy 
> command is on the distribution share and the second (target) argument is on 
> the local host.  Both of them may be local or remote as long as they're 
> accessible to the wpks.js process.  This makes %SOFTWARE% a good candiate as 
> well as the share wpkg.js resides on.

I think David might be slightly irritated by the fact that the command you
quoted is incomplete:

<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /c %SOFTWARE%\MyAppini "%ProgramFiles%\MyApp\'/>

most probably the following expresses what you intended to demonstrate:

<install cmd='%COMSPEC% /c copy /Y "%SOFTWARE%\MyApp.ini" 

Quotes around the source/target path are strongly advised too because the path
might contain spaces (e.g. "%ProgramFiles%" resolves to "C:\Program Files" on a
default system in EN language).

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