David Christensen wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
David Christensen wrote:

- <#> <Event
- <#> <System>
  <Provider Name="*WpkgService*" />
  <EventID Qualifiers="*0*">1</EventID>
  <TimeCreated SystemTime="*2009-08-12T16:30:09.000Z*" />
  <Security />
- <#> <EventData>
  <Data>Script execution: failure. Exit code: 1</Data>

The wpkg version I am using is 1.2.1
You could try a newer version.

But your issue is most likely just a pre- or post- script which fails.
Or wpkg.js.

I installed a new version and got the same error.  I was able to figure
out that the issue was related to the execution context.  When I
deployed wpkg on my XP clients I created a user in my samba domain that
had access to the share where wpkg is mounted and then added this user
to each client as a local admin.  I tried the same thing in vista and
even with the newer client the same thing occured.  It looks like
permissions are much different in t for testing purposes I used the
administrator account for the execution context and restarted wpkg,
which worked.

If you're logged in as a (domain) administrator, you probably have network shares already mapped.
Therefore the test will most likely work, even if you use wrong credentials.

 However now that I can keep wpkg running, I am not able
to install any applications, I get an error invalid username or bad
password when it tries to run the package cmd specified in package.xml.
 Is there a particular wpkg client configuration that I need to use for
Vista clients?

I'm not sure - could be UAC related?

Tomasz Chmielewski
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