Malte Starostik wrote:
Hello Mark,

Am Freitag, 21. August 2009 20:44:03 schrieb Mark Nienberg:
grubi wrote:
Download and user manual can be found at:
The user manual says:

"The prerequisite is that you have copied the wpkg.xml file of every client
to a central directory, carrying the name of the computer it originates
from. This can easily be achieved by appending something like the following
command line at the end of the script file you are calling wpkg from."

What is the best way to do this if you are using the wpkg-client service to
call wpkg?  I'm guessing that maybe it should be listed in the "Advanced"
section under "Execute After". In that case, does anyone know which
user/passwd combination will be used to execute the command?  I'd like to
be sure that user actually has write privileges in the share that will hold
the xml files.

in the client, you can configure a command to execute after wpkg.js (Variable, actions -> Execute after). There you can put sth. like cmd /c copy /y "%SystemRoot%\system32\wpkg.xml" \\host\share\%COMPUTERNAME%.xml

Mybe you need the testing version of the client for that - see Then you need to somehow setup the connection to the share, one IMHO very clean way to do this with the above testing version is to check "Path, users _> Use computer account and password" and grant the group "Domain Computers" read permission on the share(s) containing WPKG and SOFTWARE and write permissions on the share referenced in the above copy command. This way there is no need to save some user's password for WPKG to run.

Did you managed, or heard anyone being successful in getting computer authentication working on samba 3.0.X with ldap backend?


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