Stephen Ross schrieb:
> <Snip>
> Profiles applying to the current host:
> other
> Reading settings file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wpkg.xml
> Trying to read XML file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wpkg.xml
> Successfully loaded XML file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\wpkg.xml
> Hosts file contains 22 hosts:
> <snip>
> .+
> Settings file contains 1 packages:
> dia
> Packages file contains 5 packages:
> wpkg1
> wpkg2
> wpkg3
> time
> dia
> Profile file contains 1 profiles:
> maths
> Using profile(s):
> other
> Message:      Could not locate referenced profile(s):
> other
> Description:  Could not locate referenced profile(s):
> other

this means you have defined in your hosts.xml that the host in question
should use a profile named "other", but your profiles.xml only contains
a profile named "maths". Fix your profile and/or your host definition
and it should work.

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