Hi Jacob,

Jacob Jarick wrote:
> I have tested the url that fails from one of our linux servers with curl
> and it works fine (spits out the .xml file with all its info).
> But when the client attempts to read the url, it fails.
> config.xml: http://pastebin.ca/1574757
> We do have a proxy enabled on our domain, is it possible the client is
> grabbing them and trying to access a local server through the proxy ?
> This looks to be my last hurdle (fingers crossed).

wpkg.js is using an ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0") object to read XML
files from an URL. I guess this is using a proxy if one is configured. If a
proxy should by bypassed then the host should be added to the exception list
within the proxy configuration. I guess this could be done by GPO or directly by
IE configuration.
You could check your proxy logs too in order to check if WPKG tries to access
the file via proxy.

I also see that you're using an HTTPS connection. I don't see why it shouldn't
work but I have to admit I've never run a WPKG installation reading the files
from HTTPS yet.

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