Hi Marco,

Marco Gaiarin wrote:
> We have revamped an old PC, installer SPĀ£ and installet an application
> (strange, but not so much).
> After that wpkg say:
>  Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Versione 5.7
>  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. Tutti i diritti riservati.

Seems to be the latest version. Maybe re-installing it
could help. Just try.

>  \\FILE\wpkg\wpkg.js(4252, 4) (null): Impossibile trovare la procedura 
> specificata. 
> roughly 'Cannot find the specified procedure'.
> All other WPKG client works, how can i fix this, that seems to me a
> trouble in WSH interpreter?

I would guess so, yes.
Which version of wpkg.js are you running?
In WPKG 1.1.2 there is a return statement on line 4252 - so it's unlikely to
throw the error above.
In WPKG 1.1.2-RC1 there is only a variable assignment on the specified line.
Also here it's unlikely to throw the error above.

Try re-installing cscript and attach a full WPKG debug log (if it does not dash
out directly at startup before it writes anything).

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