Hi Simon,

simplesi wrote:
> One minor comment is that when I delete a package from my packages folder
> (but leave it in the profile) wpkg gives a warning message (with normal
> /synchronise flag, but when I remove it from the profile, wpkg gives no
> message.

Well this warning is justified I think because this is a profile/package
inconsistency where the administrator schould have a look at. Just a debug
message is not enough I would say. It could even be treated as an error but I
usually print errors only in case of something goes seriously wrong. And in case
of an inconsistency WPKG can still operate (it cannot do updates/downgrades but
it knows the package should still be assigned to the host even if the package is
not found currently at server-side).

In case you remove it from the profile, then this is a "normal" operation for
WPKG and the databases seem to be consistent.

> Not sure which is best but maybe they should both be the same?

Regarding the fact of profile inconsistency I prefer to send at least a
warning-level notification to the administrator.

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