Unfortunately if you make a mistake like I did and have different server paths 
in your settings.xml and update all your clients then you have to revisit them 
all to repair them.
70 down, 350 to go!

-----Original Message-----
From: wpkg-users-boun...@lists.wpkg.org 
[mailto:wpkg-users-boun...@lists.wpkg.org] On Behalf Of Rainer Meier
Sent: 08 October 2009 13:12
To: Pendl Stefan
Cc: wpkg-users@lists.wpkg.org
Subject: Re: [wpkg-users] local WPKG settings

Hi Stefan + Hugo,

Pendl Stefan wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I was wondering where does WPKG store the settings from
>> settings.xml in
>> each workstation. The C:\WINDOWS\System32\wpkg.xml file only
>> saves the
>> packages metadata and i see no references in the registry.
>> Could someone shed some light over this?
>> Thanks,
>> Hugo Monteiro.
> Tomasz once mentioned, that this is saved in a save place.

The file "wpkg.xml" is written by wpkg.js and respresents the current state. All
other XML files used by wpkg.js do not have to be stored on client side and are
fetched at each run (config.xml, packages.xml, hosts.xml and profiles.xml).

The settings of the client are stored within a Windows "secure store". It's the
same mechanism which is in use by Internet Explorer and other applications to
keep saved passwords secured. Especially this protects some sensitive data like
connection passwords or URLs which contain usernames/passwords.

It's quite easy to erase/change a password of a Windows user on the local disk
by boot utilities. However if the password is reset you will lose the contents
of the "secure store" as well as access to EFS encrypted files. It's not 100%
secure but it's sufficient for most purposes.

The drawback is that you cannot see these settings within the registry directly.
But WPKG client offers an easy way to re-read the settings from XML.

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