> Hi,
>   I am trying to apply a number of profiles to the same host.
>  I have the profiles configured in the profiles directory and
> they each work if applied singularly to a host.
>   In my hosts file I have defined this
> <!-- Jenny Barrett -->
>     <host name="limm-onc4068" profile-id="default" >
>       <profile id="nopowersave"/>
>     </host>
> 'nopowersave' is a profile containing a package 'nopowersave'
> but it doesn't seem to be working.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Paul
> ------------------------------

        I have set up WPKG similar at first, but I switched to use dependent 
Both ways have worked for me, so I do not know what is causing problems.

I would check the log file created by WPKG.js on the client for further help.
You can check the WPKG.js run with the following:

        cscript "%WPKG_ROOT%\wpkg.js" /nonotify /debug /dryrun /synchronize 

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