> hi all,
> i am going to switch to last stable wpkg to handle winxp / winxp x64
> environement: i don't want to use wrapper.js since it runs wpkg thru
> cmd.exe and this leaves cmd.exe window exposed to users. so users can
> feel free to close cmd.exe window...
> in a test environement i solved this by invoking explicitly proper
> cscript.exe (32/64 bits) straight from wpkg-start.bat, as in the
> following line:
> %WINDIR%\System32\cscript.exe %WPKGROOT%\wpkg.js /synchronize /quiet
> /nonotify
> so far all the tries i performed succeed...
> is it enough ?
> any hint would be appreciated.
> thanks
> riccardo

There is no need to specify which cscript.exe to use.
On x86 the 32-bit version and on AMD64 the 64-bit version will be used.

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