Finally, I've programmed it, using Windows cmd-line tools like DSQuery:

Here's how:
dsquery group OU=chrg,DC=CHRG,DC=(...) -name "G WPKG*" > ad-wpkg-1.txt
del ad-wpkg-2.txt

for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (ad-wpkg-1.txt) do dsget group %%i -members >> 
This creates 2 files looking like this:
1st one has all group names starting with "G WPKG":
"CN=G WPKG Test2,OU=Computers,OU=CHRG,DC=..."
"CN=G WPKG tstpkg,OU=Computers,OU=CHRG,DC=..."

The Second file has members of respective groups:
"CN=PC98045,OU=Computers,OU=CHRG Admin,DC=..."

"CN=PC98045,OU=Computers,OU=CHRG Admin,DC=..."

Next a script to "sort" this and put it into a special section of 
<!--  Section imported from AD Groups - DO NOT MODIFY   --> 
<!--  AD-WPKG BEGIN   --> 
   <host name="IT-TEST7" profile-id="defaut" >
      <profile-id="G_WPKG_Test2" />
      <profile-id="G_WPKG_tstpkg" />
   <host name="pc97199" profile-id="defaut" >
      <profile-id="G_WPKG_Test2" />
   <host name="PC98045" profile-id="defaut" >
      <profile-id="G_WPKG_Test2" />
      <profile-id="G_WPKG_tstpkg" />
 <!--  AD-WPKG END   --> 

Note that I add the "default" profile to all users, this one contains 
default applications every PC has installed.

This script I can share, however as I am no JS expert, it's done in 
xHarbour for now (xBase compiler)
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