Hi, yes this is for 32bit and 64bit Vista, but make sure to have SP1
installed before installing this service pack, because SP2 is not
cumulative update...

I do some checks before installing because its applied to all computers
in domain:

> <package
>               id="vistasp2"
>               name="Windows Vista Service Pack 2 All Language Standalone 
> (KB936330) 32bit/64bit"
>               revision="1"
>               reboot="false"
>               priority="2000">
>               <check type="logical" condition="or">
>                       <check type="logical" condition="and">
>                               <check type="registry" condition="equals" 
> path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows 
> NT\CurrentVersion\ProductName" value="Windows Vista (TM) Business" />
>                               <check type="registry" condition="equals" 
> path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows 
> NT\CurrentVersion\CSDVersion" value="Service Pack 2" />
>                       </check>
>                       <check type="registry" condition="equals" 
> path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows 
> NT\CurrentVersion\ProductName" value="Windows 7 Ultimate" />
>                       <check type="registry" condition="equals" 
> path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows 
> NT\CurrentVersion\ProductName" value="Microsoft Windows XP" />
>                       <check type="registry" condition="equals" 
> path="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows 
> NT\CurrentVersion\ProductName" value="Microsoft Windows 2000" />
>               </check>
>               <install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == x86 
> "%SOFTWARE%\SW\updates\sp-nt\WinVista\32bit\Windows6.0-KB948465-X86.exe" 
> /quiet /norestart'>
>                       <exit code="3010" />
>               </install>
>               <install cmd='%COMSPEC% /C IF %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == AMD64 
> "%SOFTWARE%\SW\updates\sp-nt\WinVista\64bit\Windows6.0-KB948465-X64.exe" 
> /quiet /norestart'>
>                       <exit code="3010" />
>               </install>
>       </package>

Chris Wilcox napsal(a):
> Hi,
> Has anyone got the package xml for installing Service Pack 2 for Vista?
> I've had a look around Google with no joy so far.
> Thanks,
> Chris
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Vladimir Psenicka
IT system engineer
Tel.: 417 633 762
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