le dahut wrote:

I'm testing WPKG 1.1.2 with WPKG Client 1.3.9. The file server is a Samba PDC.

In the "Path, user" tab I've check "Use computer account and password". When I run in a command line 'net start wpkgservice' it fails with error 3534 "The service did not report an error."

AFAIK you can only use Computer authentication feature with Active Directory and possibly with Samba as domain member to AD. I have tried to use this with Samba PDC with ldap backend but to no avail. Check samba logs for more information (you might have to up log level quite a bit tho). I have seen a message posted to samba mailing list regarding machine authentication but have not seen any responses yet. If I'm wrong please do let me know as this is very cool feature that will allow writing logs to a network share in a sane way.

When I use a "WPKG path user" and "WPKG path password" with a user of my domain, it works, packages are installed properly.

I also noticed that when you have entered "WPKG path user" and "WPKG path password" and checked "Use computer account and password". Computer account is not used, WPKG client seems to continue to use "WPKG path user" and "WPKG path password" instead of using computer account as specified.


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