Malte Starostik <> writes:


> the 1.3.10 version works great so far! 
> Regarding SETTINGSFILE=...: is this a fresh install or are you installing 
> over 
> an existing version?  In the latter case this didn't work with 1.3.9 either, 
> MSI just ignores those properties in case the package is already installed.  
> I've had that problem when trying to push a changed installation path via 
> For WPKG I run the above command followed by an wpkginst --IMPORT=... which 
> works fine.

It's a fresh install, it was working for 1.3.9, but I never use it due
to the offline crash problem.

Just removing the “SETTINGSFILE=…” make it works


Daniel Dehennin
RAIP de l'Orne

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