On 27.02.2010 09:41, Vasaris wrote:

You can also try http://wpkg.org/files/client/beta/1.3.14/ - although there 
were almost no changes in machine account handling code.

I will do that for sure. I would like to clarify - do I have to make the 
trasform with the Properties table additional record, pointing to settings.xml 
file, or else .msi package install will fail?

I think instead of wasting time on creating a transform file (too bad AD does not let you specify MSI parameters) you can just run a AD script:

cscript \\path\to\wpkg.js /install:wpkg

Easy enough.

If it still doesn't work, please report it on http://bugzilla.wpkg.org/
- I will be reminded to see what happens.

I am sorry, but I do not know what exactly to report. I think you all suppose, 
that the problem is in the autehtication code section, when using machine 
account. But from the error output, I am not so sure about that. I was educated 
to report only the exact information, which is manifesting the bug, without any 
hypotehsis of my own, in case if I am not developer intimate with the inner 
workings of the software. I think this would be wise.

That you use Windows 2000 (what service pack?), and using "machine account" does not let you use WPKG Client with AD.

Tomasz Chmielewski
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