On 26/02/2010 16:54, wpkg-users-requ...@lists.wpkg.org wrote:
Message: 3
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 22:00:39 +1000
From: Peter Gough<pmgo...@gmail.com>
To: Chris Wilcox<not_rich_...@hotmail.com>
Cc: wpkg<wpkg-users@lists.wpkg.org>
Subject: Re: [wpkg-users] Will WPKG uninstall software it did not
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

My advice would be to setup a test environment first, rollout wpkg to a
select pilot group of patient users and then introduce the across the rest
of your machines.

BTW are users really able to install anything they want in your environment?
Sounds like a recipe for potential disaster!
We're a pretty small place, and I'm pretty new. Most of the software in question is stuff present when I started, and I'm not sure people will take well to having Windows reinstalled on their PCs.

We already have a test environment of sorts - the computer suite open to the public has WPKG in use. But it's a general 'does this work well' test, rather than testing specific cases, and most of those PCs needed a fresh windows install anyway.

Thanks everyone for the help. I think I can be reasonably confident wpkg won't clobber stuff. I'm always using latest versions, so I don't need to worry about WPKG replacing eg Fx 3.6 with Fx 3.5.

Someone did mention a /noremove switch though. I presume this makes WPKG not remove stuff, ever. Since I'm unlikely to want to remove stuff using wpkg, how can I use this switch or an equivalent configuration option?
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