Am 23.03.2010 00:04, Patrick Lee wrote:

I'm in the middle of testing WPKG in Windows 7 and I'm encountering a
strange problem that I can't get around. For some reason, the WPKG
service won't start on startup or manually via Services or "net start
wpkgservice" from the command line until I manually connect to the WPKG
share in Windows Explorer. Afterwards, WPKG will start and everything is
fine until the next reboot. In the Event Viewer, I get the message
"WNetAddConnection2-> The network path was not found."

My machine is not on wireless and I still get the same error when I put
in the IP address instead of the DNS name for the path to wpkg.js. I'm
running Window 7 Enterprise (64-bit) with version 1.1.2 of wpkg.js and
version 1.3.4 of WPKG client (64-bit). I'm thinking this might be due to
some network configuration that I'm not totally aware of but I'm at a loss.

Could you try this one:

It is supposed to handle such situations better.

Tomasz Chmielewski
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